In Ancient Rome, an Augur was a religious official who looked for the will of the gods in the flight patterns of birds, and who made predictions based on the stories they read there. Today, Augur is a literary magazine that makes room for writing from uncommon perspectives, and brings together the often disparate realms of literary and genre fiction.

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This issue is a beautiful product of this tumultuous time of metamorphosis. In crafting it, we found ourselves taken by curiosity about the stories we tell, inherit, and have told about us—through everyday connections, shared mythologies, and sparks of magic. If the only thing we can be certain of is change, then there will always be more worlds to meet. We invite you to explore them with us.

Check the links below for samples from our longer pieces. If you want to dig in now, the full, designed issue is available now for purchase!

On Inheriting Myth and Magic — Kerry C. Byrne & Toria Liao
Sagal, The Witch-in-Training — Ardo Omer
Plotzlichigelentbloβen, or, Gift of the Wordsmith — Shana Ross
Moon, Moon — E. S. Taillon
The mosquito told the girl to jump — Camille Lendor
Our World is Still Blue — Amalie Edwards
To the Angels Alone — Marie Brennan
Once Upon a Planet — Kelsey Hutton
Dolor sit Amet — E. S. Taillon
Star Berry and the Wolf Trail — Nicole Munro
The Western World — Misha Solomon
The Five Rules of Spirit Binding by Sunil the Undying (Edited by Farah, Age 13) M. Banerjee-Sholars

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