About Augur

The Augur staff & story

What is Augur Magazine?

The hows & whats of who we are

In Ancient Rome, an Augur was a religious official who looked for the will of the gods in the flight patterns of birds, and made predictions based on the stories they read there. In contemporary Toronto, Augur is a literary magazine that believes we can better engage with our pasts, presents, and futures through stories that explore what-ifs and could-bes.

We are excited by writing that is difficult to classify—whether speculative, surreal, or slightly strange. We’re interested in realist pieces that verge on the dreamlike; speculative stories that are almost realist; and, on top of that, any form of literary fantasy/science fiction/speculative fiction. Augur makes room for writing from uncommon perspectives, and brings together the often disparate realms of literary and genre fiction.

Our goal is to publish at least 75% Canadian and Indigenous content, offering new opportunities to the rich communities of speculative fiction writers in the North. And, more importantly, we’re committed to featuring intersectional narratives as represented by characters, storytelling, and, in particular, author representation.

We want the kind of liminal that pulls voices together, and honours difference as an integral part of our literary canon.

Meet the Augurians

Kerry C. Byrne
Publisher & CEO

Terese Mason Pierre
Chief Programming Officer and Editor

Toria Liao
Chief Operating Officer

André Geleynse
Managing Editor, Production

Sonia Urlando
Sr. Editor, Copy & Proofs

Kelley Tai
Managing Editor, Online

Suha Tariq
Brand Lead

Melissa Ren
Senior Editor

Vivian Li

Natasha Ramoutar
Senior Editor

Victor Martins
Comics Editor

Catherine Mwitta

Julia Bortolussi
Assistant Poetry Editor

Lorna Antoniazzi
Lead Artist

Escher McDonell-Maulsby
Poetry Editor

Conyer Clayton
Senior Editor

ViNa Nguyễn

Azure Arther

Amelia Martínez-White
Production Coordinator

Helena Ramsaroop
Assistant Online Editor, First Reader

Louise Koren
Senior Editor

Amy Wang
Head of Special Projects

Frankie Hagg

Martine Nguyen
Art Director

Sri Prasad
Assistant Editor

Allison Zhao
Assistant Online Editor, First Reader

Terese Mason Pierre Photo Credit: Chaad Pierre; Victoria Liao Photo Credit: Kerry C. Byrne; Amy Wang Photo Credit: Kerry C. Byrne; Vivian Li Photo Credit: Kerry C. Byrne; Sonia Urlando Photo Credit: Frankie Figliomeni; Conyer Clayton Photo Credit: Manahil Bandukwala; Natasha Ramoutar Photo Credit: Matthew Narea; ViNa Nguyễn Photo Credit: Dav James; Catherine Mwitta Photo Credit: Doreen Mwitta

And our warm thanks to our Submissions Managers, Omi Wilde and Louise Koren, and our First Readers: Allison Zhao, Amelia Martínez-White, André Geleynse, Anya Carter, Azure Arther, Elliott Gish, Eugénie Szwalek, Frederica Danzinger, H.E. Casson, Iana A, Jacqueline Valencia, January Adams, Leah Duarte, Lois Chan, Mariam Ahmed, Maria Hossain, Marie Song, Melissa Ren, Monica Kim, Nailah King, Nara Monteiro, Nico VC, Paola Tolentino, Perseus Rebelo, Sean Dowie, Shauna Durant, Trisha Jain, Vannessa Barnier, Yanna Regina Mondoñedo, Z Ollikka

What kinds of stories are we interested in?

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