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An interview with David Demchuk #AugurCon2022

  • Posted by Augur Blog
  • On November 17, 2022
On November 26 & 27 we’re hosting our second-ever AugurCon, our virtual celebration of speculative literatures! We’re joined by over 45 amazing guests, including authors, poets, editors, and publishing professionals, to explore the intersections of the world we know—and the ones we dare to imagine. We connected with David Demchuk, author of The Bone Mother and […]
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An interview with Natalie Zina Walschots #Augurcon2022

  • Posted by Augur Blog
  • On November 17, 2022
On November 26 & 27 we’re hosting our second-ever AugurCon, our virtual celebration of speculative literatures! We’re joined by over 45 amazing guests, including authors, poets, editors, and publishing professionals, to explore the intersections of the world we know—and the ones we dare to imagine. We connected with Natalie Zina Walschots, author of Hench, who is […]
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An interview with Manahil Bandukwala #AugurCon2022

  • Posted by Augur Blog
  • On November 16, 2022
On November 26 & 27 we’re hosting our second-ever AugurCon, our virtual celebration of speculative literatures! We’re joined by over 45 amazing guests, including authors, poets, editors, and publishing professionals, to explore the intersections of the world we know—and the ones we dare to imagine. We connected with Manahil Bandukwala, writer of the poetry collection MONUMENT, […]
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Challenges and Curiosity: Adventures in Editing SFF

  • Posted by Augur Blog
  • On August 15, 2022
In case you missed it, Uncanny Magazine is hosting its Year 9 Kickstarter: To Fifty … and Beyond! Friends and editors Chimedum Ohaegbu and Monte Lin dropped by for a guest post. Together, they discuss what’s it’s like to edit one of the leading magazines in the SFF community. And, of course, our favourite question: […]
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What Happens to Your Augur Magazine Submission?

  • Posted by Augur Blog
  • On June 25, 2022
So you log on to Moksha. You (hopefully) do all the things that fulfill the guidelines we’ve laid out. You hit that little button, and receive your Augur Magazine submission confirmation email (check for it!). But what happens next? Those of us on staff who submit work know how frustrating a mysterious submissions cycle can […]
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Augur Workshops

  • Posted by Augur Blog
  • On October 13, 2021
This fall, our team is thrilled to launch Augur Workshops! Coming off the success of 2020’s AugurCon, we entered 2021 with the desire to create more valuable opportunities for the spec community. Join us on Sundays throughout Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 to learn more about: Speculative Poetry Submitting Speculative Fiction Editing Speculative Fiction Worldbuilding […]
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Palestine Solidarity Statement

  • Posted by Augur Blog
  • On June 15, 2021
The Augur Magazine Literary Society stands in solidarity with Palestinians in their ongoing struggle for self-determination and freedom against systemic oppression. We support their right to justice and liberation as they fight occupation and apartheid, and we reject harmful, false “both-sides” rhetoric. As individuals living in the land colonially known as Canada, we stand against […]
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Reading In a Post-Pandemic World

  • Posted by Augur Blog
  • On August 19, 2020
Hello, Augurians! We’re back with an exciting guest post from our friends at the Hugo Award–winning Uncanny Magazine. Read on for Managing Editor Chimedum Ohaegbu’s thoughts on reading about and during a pandemic. And when you’re done, check out Uncanny’s Year 7 Kickstarter. They have a great lineup of solicited contributors, such as Aliette de […]
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Evoking Colour: The Importance of Writing for Racialized Women

  • Posted by Augur Blog
  • On January 29, 2020
By Maryam Gowralli As a writer motivated by how the creative process fuels poetry, and as I complete my creative-thesis application for graduate school, I recognize that once again I am that ethnic woman pursuing higher education in creative writing. Is it weird to feel displaced in one’s own body? Despite its problematic premise in […]
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Transmitting the Strange: A Conversation with Lydia Kwa

  • Posted by Augur Blog
  • On January 22, 2020
Interview by Yilin Wang I first heard Lydia read at the panel “Linking Past and Present: Writing about Language and Place” at Growing Room 2017. Since then, we have shared interesting conversations over tea or online, discussing a range of topics such as writing, martial arts, and folklore. After reading her novels Oracle Bone and […]
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