no more monuments

Mikaela Lucido


by Mikaela Lucido

in the south, they like to make homes
out of the abandoned.

the earth fractures with each sunset.
She dreams among the weeds which
melt at the touch of sound.

pretty words do not spill from Her
mouth like cherished grains of sand.
no, Her lips weep for speech.

every arc of Her face is a dead hollow
for owls to settle into for the night

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MIKAELA LUCIDO was born in Manila, Philippines, and is studying Creative Writing & Publishing at Sheridan College. Her poem “Bahala Ka” was published in Savant-Garde Literary Magazine along with an interview with Thea Lim. “Bloody Mary and the Smart Mirror”, written by Lucido and illustrated by Jade Zhang, appears in Gothic Tales of Haunted Futures. You can find her on Instagram at @mikaela.lucido and Twitter at @LucidoMikaela.

no more monuments can be found in Augur Magazine Issue 3.2.