Palestine Solidarity Statement

  • Posted by Augur Blog
  • On June 15, 2021
  • palestine

The Augur Magazine Literary Society stands in solidarity with Palestinians in their ongoing struggle for self-determination and freedom against systemic oppression. We support their right to justice and liberation as they fight occupation and apartheid, and we reject harmful, false “both-sides” rhetoric.

As individuals living in the land colonially known as Canada, we stand against settler colonialism and state violence against marginalized peoples.

As an arts organization, we actively support and uplift the voices and works of marginalized and underrepresented artists, in our mission and practice. We encourage our community to read, share and support the work of Palestinian artists, writers and activists. An excellent place to begin is Strange Horizon’s Palestine Issue.

Please visit for more education on Palestine, and visit for information on the ongoing Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Movement.

This Pride Month, and every day, we stand in solidarity with Queer Palestinians, and invite you to read this resource on Queer Palestine, by Sa’ed Atshan, entitled: Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique.

Additionally, please consider donating to Books For Palestine, a campaign within the book community to provide aid and funds to Middle East Children’s Alliance and Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.

We referred to the FIYAH Magazine and Strange Horizons statements to create our own, and we are glad to stand in solidarity with these organizations as well.



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