Write For Us!
- Posted by Augur Blog
- On April 12, 2019
Augur Magazine is expanding our list of bloggers! We are looking for versatile and engaging writers who would be interested in contributing 500-700 word nonfiction for our blog. If you like what Augur publishes—that is, dreamy realism, fabulism, slipstream and speculative fiction with a focus on intersectionality—you’re already a great fit.
The kind of blog posts we’re looking for include:
- Genre explorations
- Author interviews (especially with Canadian authors)
- Book or movie reviews
- Discussions
If you’re interested, give us a shout at augurmag.blog@gmail.com. Please send: a short blog topic pitch, a quick intro about you, and a link or an attachment to something you wrote.
Note that this is a volunteer opportunity at this time.